80% of all special school children are outside the club life

Vi mangler


medlemmer, for at nå den magiske grænse på 300..

Your support goes to, among other things

Physical and digital special sports guides

Creation of new special team

Sports internship for special school students

Education for
coaches and volunteers

Counseling and handheld support for parents

Opportunities as a company

We love to collaborate on both big and small things. Would you like to hear more on a staff day? Or contribute professional skills to our organization? Or offer a donation? Contact our founder and manager Trine Ravn on tel. +45 30 14 10 60 or trine@specialsport.dk and have a chat about what we can do together – or go directly to the opportunity to donate as a company.

Muligheder internationalt

Vi hjælper børn med handicap blive aktive med sport og foreningsliv uanset hvor i verden vi ser muligheden. Så når frivillige stiller op for vores sag, er vi selvfølgelig med hele vejen. Du finder en LinkedIn artikel om hvordan vi arbejder med frivillighed i specialsport lige her.


Siden foråret 2023 har Soprinye i Zaria, Nigeria hver lørdag samlet en voksende flok af børn med særlige behov og handicap omkring først fodbold, siden basketball og atletik. Læs mere på deres specialsport-hjemmeside hvor du også finder deres helt eget donationsmulighed via PayPal eller kreditkort.


Det startede lidt sjov med at vi tilfældigvis havde 6-7 frivillige som alle kom fra forskellige steder i Tyskland og enten var tidligere specialsport-frivillige og nu tilbage i Tyskland, eller aktuelt aktive med frivillighed et sted i Danmark. Sammen dannede vi et team, som nu er i fuld gang med at udbrede specialsport-mulighederne i Tyskland.  Kontakt vores stifter og leder Trine Ravn på tlf. +45 30 14 10 60 eller trine@specialsport.dk hvis du er nysgerrig og gerne vil høre mere. 

This is how we work

See how we help special school students join club communities in their spare time, in close cooperation with the school, parents and the local club life.

Our results

More than 11,000 pupils go to special schools, where a full 80% are outside the club life, corresponding to 9,000 children and young people. Children and young people who have some of the most difficult disabilities and living conditions in Denmark. When Specialsport.dk runs courses with special schools and special school classes, 50-60% of the children become active in the club life.

The success rate

Percentage of students active in clubs after an individual sports internship

The success rate for individual sports practice courses (how many children continue as members after the practice)

That is why clubs are vital

Access to good friends

People with disabilities are 5 times as lonely as the average Dane.

Better physical and mental health

People with disabilities live 10-15 years longer if they are active and exercise, because you get fewer lifestyle diseases.

Greater independence

You become a more active member of society. Both in terms of education, work, independent housing and volunteering in clubs.