What can we help you with?

Dear parent

There are SO many things we as parents need to do and remember about our children, youth and adults with special needs and disabilities.

The big and most urgent things are handled along the way, whether it works or not. But regardless, there is one important thing that many of us don’t get to. Either because the time and timing are just never right, or because it’s almost impossible to see or imagine that it can go well.

You’ve probably guessed it since you’re on this site – but yes – we’re talking about clubs, leisure activities, community and socializing.

The good news is that we really want to help. And not just ‘give you a bunch of advice on what we think you should do’, but we really want to help you find the right solutions for your child and your family.

But first, you need to know why community life is so important. And the short answer is: Because it dramatically improves your child’s life.

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Founder and head of Specialsport.dk, Trine Ravn, is the mother of a young man with developmental disabilities – read her story and the background of Specialsport.dk right here.

What difference does social life make in everyday life?


All children need to feel a sense of community. To be part of a community where you feel like you’re doing something fun together.

  • To be just like everyone else. Like siblings or friends’ children or those on the road.
  • The experience of friends. Being missed when you’re not there. Learning the social rules when interacting with other children. Learning in and from the community.
  • A place with no requirement to be a certain way, but instead get help to adapt the activity to your conditions, possibilities and needs.
  • To feel the feeling of success and mastery! Yes – see me!
  • Learning how to be in an club and have a leisure life. Think long-term – this is the time to show our children what to do when they grow up. Sitting at home or out with friends?


All young people need to mirror themselves in others. To feel the familiar and the safe. The repetitive nature of rhythm, activity, friends and your own success. But youth also means change and challenges. This is also where the club can make a huge difference.

  • An anchor when the world changes. School and institution changes, teacher changes, divorces, when demands in the other areas increase, transitions from school to life.
  • The STU’s requirements for building a leisure life, among other things. In reality, only a few young people manage to start learning about an club life when they are almost adults. It doesn’t make sense to wait until the STU to create leisure time outside the family.
  • “This is how to be an adult”. We will show the way to the meaningful life, with influence, energy and joy together with friends.
  • Residency requirements or support needs as an adult. It won’t come naturally later. It’s not a residential facility or a social worker who makes the extra effort to get the young person used to club life – here again, it’s you as a parent who must demand a continued life as a citizen with an active leisure life.


As an adult, you need to find your own rhythm and daily life with content and meaning. The community life is amazing! Weekly training sessions. Summer parties, Christmas parties, socializing – there are plenty of opportunities here.

  • History and memories. Everyone needs to ‘go back in time’ – to talk about their childhood and youth and to know each other over many years.
  • The community is a great place to practice your skills. Both practically and socially, it is important to be challenged on habits and routines, to encounter new problems to solve or victories to take home and talk about.
  • Networking is important! And so is constantly expanding your social circle. It’s great both when you want to find an internship or try work trials!
  • Volunteering grows over the years. Many gain the courage to become a volunteer over the years – it creates more meaning, pride and a sense of belonging.

Research shows that you are more likely to

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Many different needs, require many different solutions

We help young people on the autistic spectrum, with developmental disabilities or mental vulnerabilities – and many other special needs – maybe there’s something we can help you with too?

In our solution wheel you can get an overview of the many possibilities  and solutions we work with in Specialsport.dk to create access to association activities for children, young people and adults with special needs and disabilities.