Working with what ever you love the most​

We work in small teams, with regular online meetings, where we discuss opportunities and tasks. Whether you are volunteering around the sports, the families, administrative tasks or driving your nerdy passion, you always have great influence on your tasks, because we know that when we have fun, with a high degree of reciprocity, the relationship just lasts longer 🙂

Volunteering close to families

Do you want to support children and young people with special needs to laugh, be proud and make lots of friends?

In close collaboration with our partner clubs, the task is to get the team and the individual young person to function in the best possible way around the sport, themselves and the group in general. You’re never responsible for teaching or the sporting field – we always work with sports clubs that provide training and facilities.

The young person’s challenge can be mental, physical or developmental, which means that we have children who are developmentally disabled, have literacy diagnoses or simply need a safer environment to start their sport. Children should be challenged athletically at their own level, while learning to accommodate each other.

The expectation for you is

  • That you show up for training every week (we roughly follow the school year schedule),
  • Getting to know the children and their individual needs
  • that you have contact with parents, in person and/or via Facebook groups
  • that you collaborate and spar with the coaches around the children, training and periodically plan and participate in events, such as graduations, training matches, competitions, etc.
  • that you collaborate closely with the people behind and follow the values and goals we have with our efforts
Selma Katrin

We offer

  • Lots of great moments with amazing kids
  • Backing and support when you need it
  • Reimbursement of expenses
  • Training activities for children and young people with special needs
  • Testimonials and documentation of your volunteering efforts

Volunteering in the projects

Do you want to use your professionalism to benefit our many initiatives, all of which are designed to further our mission: To ensure that all children have access to club life and community as part of their upbringing.

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Check out all of our projects here and remember – what YOU can do could be exactly what it takes for us to create another new initiative and develop another project that can make a world of difference.

Want to join?

  1. Check out the options below
  2. Click on ‘Apply’
  3. Tell us a little bit about your competences, interests and what your passions are

Curious about special sports

This position is for you who would love to establish and analyze data.

We have about a thousand things we would like to know more about, but we need you to design, investigate and analyze.

WP geni

We actually have control of the daily website handling BUT sometimes it just gets too complicated .. And sometimes we just need somebody that wants to give our website a makeover..

Do you want to be our once-in-a-while and back-up person?

The best time of the week

Are you passionate about communicating your commitment and joy for sport to children and young people with special needs?

Then become an assistant coach in YOUR sport.


Do you know that lack of transport is one of the biggest barriers for children with disabilities and sports?

If you have 3-4 hours a week to give as a companion, then you will make a world of difference.

The shot hunter

This position is for you who are chasing the perfect shots, where the feeling of the picture tells everything ..

We have the wildest equipment, but need you to operate it. When you have time, desire and possibility.

volunteering jobs

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