Bigger initiatives

Graphical material

A whole new way to set the framework for sports. We've structured more than 25 different sports' training plans so that everyone can participate - now we're creating an educational and visual 'line' that makes it all even easier to understand.


We support international volunteers to create better access and more special sports. We are developing a concept with 10 hours of online special sports training and
are happy to help you get started, no matter where you are in the world.

Picture check

The wildest app to keep track of photo permissions! Samar and Devrim are working slow and steady on the development project, which has lasted a couple of years now... but we're getting closer all the time ;D

Ongoing projects


The biggest challenge of all... Huge thanks to Tove who volunteers with the difficult art of application and to the board who are always in dialog with the outside world to promote our cause.


We map special sports. We won't stop until all of Denmark is on board. 69 of Denmark's 98 municipalities are represented.

Special teams

Hands-on help for clubs and coaches to prepare to welcome children with special needs into their community.


The E-guide is available in English and German, but we are looking for volunteer skills in Turkish, Arabic, Swedish, Norwegian and many other languages as well.

Implemented and embedded projects


It started with the Danish Agency for Culture supporting the project idea and after a year of developing the right form and method, companionship is now a regular part of our efforts 🙂


Marina and Andrea have volunteered to develop the coolest e-learning course for all the amazing associations and wonderful coaches.
Huge thanks to the AVARTA fighters team for joining us for movies, fun and games!

Web portal

With financial support from Den Fælleskommunale Handicapidrætspulje in Copenhagen, with fantastic help from our volunteer 'design Louise' and with developers from Twentyfour web development, we managed to create the wildest search portal!